image from here.February is one of the strangest months of them all: Valentine's day - love it or hate it, with end-of-year school preparations (so sad! aahh) and spring collections everywhere..yet it's still pouring with rain outside?! February is one of those unfortunately dreary months, so it's more important than ever to keep ourselves feeling positive and inspired. Here are the Inspired tips for this month:
1. Catch up with The Playgirl's Guide To Radical Self-Love at iCiNG. There hasn't been a better month to get back in touch with the most gorgeous, amazing, talented person in your life - yourself. Be your own Valentine every day: keep checking Gala's blog for the latest in tips for achieving ultimate self-love and self-adoration.
2. Take advantage of all the heart-shaped Valentine's-exclusive goodies around. Heart-shaped lollipops, the cheesiest greeting cards, yummy chocolate covered strawberries..stock up now! My favourite Valentine's items have been a black chunky biro with coloured hearts all over and a glittery red gel pen with sequin hearts floating inside. So pretty!
3. Book your tickets to London Fashion Weekend before they sell out. I wanted to go last time but sadly couldn't make it..therefore I need to go this year! I have to admit I haven't been before, but it's the next best thing to the industry-only LFW shows so it's got to be amazing. You can't say no to up to 70% off of some of the
gorgeous items on offer.
4. Redecorate your room. Especially if February's left you feeling a little rubbish, something as small as a new piece of art or a new set of patterned sheets can give your bedroom a fresh facelift. Check out
ourbedrooms @ Livejournal for fantastic room decorations belonging to beautiful people around the world.
5. Go swimming. It's probably too cold to go back into the sea yet, but swimming can be so relaxing: exercise is great for helping to think things over as well as enabling your body to look and feel amazing. Visit an indoor pool on a weekday morning to avoid crowds and screaming children.
6. Invest in some second-hand books. Use
Amazon to check similar authors of your favourite titles and seek out their novels on
Ebay or your favourite charity shop.
7. Plan an extra-long holiday for this summer. Summer seems so far away, yet it can seem horribly daunting if you have several months ahead of doing relatively nothing, so why not plan to stay in your favourite country, state or city for a few weeks (or months)? Personally I'm not a fan of the traditional 10-day holiday as everything always seems so rushed - stay with a friend or family member and take time to enjoy the life around you in a whole different part of the world.
8. Buy Valentine's cards for your best friends. Even if you're looking to be single this V-day, no-one says you can't spread the Valentine's love between friends as well as partners and write some extra-special cards for your friends as well as your crush - let them know how much you appreciate them!
9. Plan an extravagant dinner at your favourite restaurant. Whether you're into lobster or Subway, ask a friend out one night for a delightfully over-the-top evening out at your favourite eatery. Even if you're just having pizza, it's a fun excuse to dress stunningly and catch up with someone.
Adding to my usual ideas list for my Inspired segment, I wanted to share some gorgeous images I've compiled over the month. I hope you enjoy! Click the image for a link to the source.
Share your inspiring tips!